All manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.  We will edit your manuscript using the “track changes” feature so that you can see all editing changes.  In addition, comments to the authors will be added if we have any queries or suggestions. Unless requested otherwise, our editing conforms to the general style of the Council of Science Editors (CSE).

To help us deliver a product that meets your individual needs, please provide the information requested below.


1.  Level of editing

    Please specify whether you would like level 1 or level 2 editing:

  • Level 1 is a basic editing service that covers correction of spelling, language, and grammar.
  • Level 2 editing includes all aspects of basic editing, plus re-writing of awkward phrasing and re-arranging the text if considered necessary.


2.  Turnaround time

  •    What is your required date for receipt of the edited document?


3.  Journal

  • What is your target journal?
  • Do you request length reduction if necessary?
  • Do you request formatting for this journal?
  • Does this include the references? (We will format the references manually and many researchers prefer to use their own bibliography software)


4.  Figures and Tables

Although it is not necessary to include the figures and tables with your manuscript, we strongly recommend it. Having access to the data helps the editor to understand your paper better and can resolve queries that arise when editing the text.

If figures and tables are included:

  • Would you like the editor to check that they are correctly cited in the text?
  • Would you like the editor to confirm that they do indeed show what is stated in the text?